Manncorp Benchtop Reflow Oven BT300C Customer Review

Posted by Manncorp

"The BT300C benchtop reflow oven has programmable temperature ranges at up to 40 points. I've found that it is far too many, but the option to fine tune is nice. I also have the optional temperature probe for closed loop control and tuning. ..

Many spare parts were sent with the oven from Manncorp, which will all be included. Quartz heating elements, fan motors, ceramic standoffs, etc., are all provided… This was actually the reason I purchased the oven from Manncorp instead of one of the other vendors. They also claim to do more quality control, which I believe after several conversations with owners of other T200C ovens. .."
Anthony Andriano, CEO of Andriano Engineering, Fort Collins, Colorado

Thank you Anthony, we are glad you like our product. 

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